About Us

We are the Coalition for the Eradication of Stupidity (CFTES). The purpose of our blog is to observe and call out areas of stupidity and ambiguity in our society and combat those areas with hard-researched facts and allow you to comment.  The idea is simple: if a societal figurehead does something stupid, the public reserves the right to point out that stupidity! When we take time to analyze those stupid moments, it allows us to learn what went wrong, so that we hopefully do not repeat it. Calling out stupid moments and holding them in comparison to factual information builds a smarter, brighter population, and we want you to engage in that process!

As we approach each blog with an attitude that incorporates research, fact-checking will be our number one priority to ensure that our readers receive the most accurate, non-embellished information as possible. We encourage our readers to leave comments, call out other areas of stupidity, and speak their minds in a respectful way after reading our weekly blogs.