Face-Masks or Fake News?

By now, the COVID-19 epidemic has made everyone familiar with one term: facemasks. From severe shortages that caused face-masks to be unavailable for weeks at a time to certain places banning entrance and access to spaces without proper facial coverings, facemasks have been a popular item and a well-discussed subject in current news. Now, however, as the world works to reopen, there’s a lingering question: When is it necessary to wear a facemask…when does it actually make sense? In a time filled with fake news regarding the use of face-masks, everyone seems to have a different opinion on how and when to use them. Our goal is to make sure you have the facts.

As a general rule, you should wear a mask around others. The CDC states that you should wear a mask in “places where people congregate, including grocery stores and public transportation.” Therefore, riding in your own car alone or with immediate family that you are already exposed to or during outdoor activities, such as hiking or running, does not require a face mask, as you are not around other people. If you encounter an environment where other people are present, such as an appointment or store, it is up to your own discretion to wear a mask, so long as you should follow building policies upon entering.

That being said, there are special circumstances where face masks should not be worn. According to the Cleveland Clinic, those under the age of two, those who have respiratory issues or trouble breathing, and those who are unconscious or incapacitated should not be wearing a face mask. Aside from anyone who has breathing issues, those who cannot physically put on a mask or take it off in case of emergency should not be wearing them.  

All in all, are facemasks useful in regards to preventing spread of COVID-19? Absolutely, in the right circumstance…and if used exactly according to standards. Time and time again we see news articles repeat the importance of face masks but neglect to mention that if disposable masks are worn more than once, or re-washable masks are not washed between each and every use, they become saturated in germs and not only fail at their purpose, but can spread sickness! How stupid would it be to catch illness from your own facemask?  When deciding where to wear a facemask, exposure likelihood is key; driving in a car by yourself…or with family members that you’re routinely exposed to inside of your own household, it seems pretty stupid to take precautions against exposure that doesn’t exist, or already exists on a frequent level. As for wearing facemasks while enjoying the fresh air of the wide open ranges and the great outdoors where people are clearly 6 or MORE feet apart, one can ask…why bother even going outside? If you’ve noticed facemasks being used to promote stupidity, comment how below!